For the first time this season, the Houseguests are asked to nominate one person as the Head of Household, and then each week one of those nominees is evicted by veto. This week, the Pot O’ Gold returned to the Houseguests, and after a long week of nominations, the following nominees have been officially sent packing.
After weeks of pitting houseguests against each other, it was time for the Power of Veto (PoV) competition to be decided. Each week three houseguests will compete in a competition where they will have to use their PoV to save themselves from being evicted. This week, it was Power of Veto week 7, and the final PoV competition of the season.
Mike Boogie’s win last week set a new record for most POV weeks won in a row. He now has three wins in three weeks, and he is just two away from tying the record of five in a row. He will almost certainly break that record at the next eviction, and he will also likely break the record for most POV weeks won during a single season.
CBS How did the veto competition impact Sarah Beth’s nominations this week on ‘Big Brother?’
Sarah Beth, this week’s Head of Household, had to choose her candidates with the High Rollers Room in mind.
She was well aware that without the Ability of Veto, someone might win the Chopping Block Roulette game and utilize the power to remove someone off the block. A new candidate would then be chosen at random, potentially jeopardizing her HOH intentions.
Sarah Beth chose Claire and Derek F. (Big D), the same houseguests that were nominated by Kyland last week. So, who competed in the Power of Veto competition, who won, and will the Veto be utilized this week? Continue reading to find out.
The High Rollers Room’s Final Scores
The houseguests got the chance to play Chopping Block Roulette in the High Rollers Room before the veto competition. Alyssa triumphed and used her victory to remove Big D from the ring.
The new candidate was chosen by a roulette wheel spin at random. Xavier was chosen as the substitute candidate at random, placing him on the same ballot as Claire.
Veto Competition’s Influence
The Power of Veto was contested as usual between the Head of Household (Sarah Beth) and the two candidates (Claire and Xavier). Alyssa, Azah, and Big D were the other three houseguests chosen to participate.
The Power of Veto tournament was won by Xavier. Despite the fact that he knew he’d be safe next to Claire because of The Cookout, his decision to come off the block this week is part of a bigger strategy.
On Thursday, who will be evicted?
Derek X. will be backdoored this week, according to the current plan. Xavier will withdraw from the race, and Sarah Beth will nominate Derek X. in his stead. He’s proved to be a comp monster on the verge of latching on to The Cookout. He’s also amassed a sizable amount of BB dollars. Derek X., who lives on the same street as Claire, is virtually likely to be heading to the jury house on Thursday.
Derek X. has a strong chance of earning the $25,000 award for America’s Favorite Houseguest. Based on the number of BB dollars he’s received, it’s obvious that he’s a popular figure in America.
What Does the High Rollers Room Twist Have in Store?
This week, America will vote for their favorite houseguests to win BB dollars for the last time. Some houseguests will have enough money after the vote to play the Coin of Destiny game.
If a player wins the Coin of Destiny game, they will be able to call a coin toss. Heads or tails is an easy decision. If a houseguest successfully predicts the coin flip, they will be the next HOH.
The High Rollers Room twist might have been a fantastic opportunity for the underdogs (i.e. non-Cookout members) to reclaim some control over the game. The Cookout, on the other hand, has done such a good job of hiding themselves that people outside haven’t realized how dangerous they are.
Britini went home last week after saving her BB dollars. Derek X. seems to be facing a similar fate this week. The game Coin of Destiny may be the final opportunity for change. At this point in the game, what would an Alyssa or Claire HOH reign look like?
New episodes of “Big Brother” will air at 8 p.m. Eastern on Sunday, August 22 and Wednesday, August 25.
READ NEXT: Was There a ‘Big Brother’ Voting Glitch?
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When it comes to the Big Brother Canada house, there have been some hilarious moments. But even when the houseguests are not bickering, the show still manages to deliver some pretty great moments. This week’s Power of Veto challenges saw some of the craziest moments of the season so far.. Read more about big brother 23 racism and let us know what you think.
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