According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released in June, the number of people who had received the hepatitis A vaccine hit a record high of 48% of adults ages 19 and up in the Greater Los Angeles region. This is up from 42% of adults who had received the vaccine in 2015.
Admitting it, this article is a bit of click-bait. But, it’s fun reading, so I’m sharing it anyway. The last time the number of US residents receiving their measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccines was this high was in 1994. And, in 2014, the number of Americans who received their vaccinations was the lowest since 1957.
CTV News has reported that in a recent survey conducted by the San Diego Department of Health and Human Services, more than half of all California residents age 16 and older are now fully vaccinated against a host of diseases, including measles, mumps, tetanus, hepatitis A, and polio, following a recent outbreak of vaccine-preventable diseases.. Read more about vaccine la county appointment and let us know what you think.LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) – At least half of Los Angeles County residents aged 16 and older are now fully vaccinated, officials announced Monday.
Fully vaccinated clients gather at Risky Business in North Hollywood on May 21. 20, 2021. To join Risky Business, members must show their original vaccination card after being fully vaccinated, pay a small fee and sign a Risk Reduction Form that includes penalties for lying. (Getty Images)
Nearly 4.2 million Los Angeles County residents have received two doses of the vaccine and are considered fully immunized, according to data released Monday.
READ MORE: Los Angeles County is slugging it out on the 15th. June camouflage rules and distance requirements
We can now proudly say that more than 50 percent of Los Angeles County residents aged 16 and older have received two doses of the vaccine, said Dr. Barbara Ferrer, director of Los Angeles County Public Health, on Monday. I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this goal.
Because they can be vaccinated for longer, those over 65 have the highest vaccination rate at 72%. The percentage is 28% for 16-17 year olds and 46% for 16-64 year olds.
While improvements continue in each group, Ferrer noted that lower vaccination rates in younger age groups mean that people in these age groups are not only more likely to transmit COVID-19, but are also more vulnerable to serious consequences.
Ferrer said that between April 1 and April 15, the number of people in the area who had been unable to attend the meeting had increased. In May, the 30-49 age group had the highest number of hospitalizations for COVID-19, with more than 600.
This is the first time in the entire pandemic that we have seen this, she said. Before April, the number of hospital admissions in this age group was lower than in other age groups. Looking at another six-week period – October last year, before the peak – we see a striking difference. Even when our rates were not the highest, seniors were still more likely to go to the hospital.
She attributed the sudden change to a mistake in the defense.
Older people, especially those over 65, are now protected by high vaccination rates, she added. Children and adolescents can be protected both by their youth and by the masking policies of their schools. But people in the middle group – including many workers and carers – are not as well protected by any of these factors. And if they’re not vaccinated, there’s a high probability that they’ll get a COVID infection, and unfortunately, as we’re seeing now, there’s a disproportionate probability that they’ll end up in the hospital.
In hopes of attracting more people to the vaccination clinics, the district plans to offer more incentives, and prizes such as gift cards and sports tickets will be offered in the coming weeks. Ms. Ferrer stated that the drawing will be announced on the District’s social media.
Last week, health officials announced that California will have a new health code starting on the 15th. June no longer requires social distancing and allows companies to have full bandwidth at their disposal. The Los Angeles Department of Health confirmed Friday that it has approved the state’s 15th Amendment plans. June.
Meanwhile, Los Angeles County reported four more COVID-19 deaths Monday, bringing the total death toll to 24,175.
Another 152 cases of infection were reported in Los Angeles County, bringing the total number of cases during the entire pandemic period to 1,238,931.
(© Copyright 2021 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All rights reserved. City News Service contributed to this report).Not a single day goes by without a surge of fear over the vaccine scare. It’s not clear why some people are so anti-vaccine, but they generally have a lot to gain from scare tactics.. Read more about covid vaccine appointment and let us know what you think.
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