The Agile Manifesto is, in short, a statement of intent that encapsulates an agile approach to creating digital products. Agile is about responding quickly and appropriately to a rapidly changing environment. It’s really about thinking through how you can understand what’s happening in the world, identify what uncertainties you’re facing, and figure out how you can adapt to them. Agile software development is about more than practices like pair programming, test-driven development or planning sessions. For this reason, we will try to zoom in on the topic of what the Agile Manifesto is and what it is not.

Agile manifesto principles

Agile manifesto is a generic term for a set of frameworks and practices based on values and principles previously written down. When you approach software development in a particular way, it is good to follow these values and principles and use them to help determine the right things to do in a particular context. One of the principles and what is an agile manifesto is to create software and focus on the people doing the work and how they collaborate. Solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organized, cross-functional teams using practices appropriate to their context. In the Agile software development community, there is a strong emphasis on collaboration and mutual support to create higher quality products. You could say that business agility is the recognition that for people in an organization to operate with an Agile mindset, the whole organization must support that mindset. Agile software development was never truly agile until the organization changed its structure and operations to work in an uncertain environment. A satisfied customer is another and one of the most important principles of the agile manifesto. When working in an agile environment, we have to keep in mind for whom we are creating the product. On the other side, apart from the end users, there is always the customer. Their satisfaction is the priority. It is worth remembering that the customer is the originator, the sponsor of the product. Usually, it is also a person with extensive knowledge of the industry, so he probably knows what will be good for his product.Frequency of deployment is also very important. This approach allows us to stand out from the competition by meeting the needs of end users faster than others. By delivering changes at short intervals, the company is seen as delivering a higher quality product.

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