A young black bear strolled through a Minneapolis neighborhood on Tuesday, eliciting screams and panic from residents. The animal was eventually tranquilized and taken to the wild by state wildlife officials.

The what are the twin cities is a question that has been asked before. The Teens Flee As Young Black Bear Strolls Through Twin Cities Neighborhood is a news article about how the bear was spotted in the neighborhood.

(WCCO) MINNEAPOLIS — Cottonwood Court, a suburban Minnesota subdivision near Centerville, resembled Pooh Corner last week. Some teens were startled when they saw a juvenile black bear out for a walk.

Hailey Nelson, 17, and Dori Arndt, 15, were gardening outside the house of Hailey Nyberg, 17, on Tuesday afternoon. Nelson believed she saw Nyberg’s dog go by out of the corner of her eye while she worked.

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“We needed money, so we went weeding, and we were just weeding, chatting, listening to music, turning our heads, and there was just a black lab,” Nelson said.

A camera in one of the Nybergs’ front windows caught the moment they realized it wasn’t their family dog.

“It was a bear!” said the narrator. Nelson remarked.

In a panic, Nelson and Arndt sprang to their feet and dashed for the front door. However, there was one little snag: it was locked.

“So I’m banging on the door, screaming, ‘Let us in!’” We were yelling our heads off, desperate to get inside! Nelson said, “Then [Hailey Nyberg] pokes her head around the corner.”


(Photo courtesy of Brian Nyberg)

Dad Before pulling Nelson and Arndt inside, Brian Nyberg warned his daughter to take shelter.

“When I heard them screaming, my father rushed out and said, ‘Why are you still out here?’ A bear just went right across our… front yard!’ “What?” I’m thinking. Nyberg, Hailey, said. “And then he’s like, ‘Get inside!’” says the narrator.

When Brian initially heard the girls’ cries, he assumed they were being attacked by bees.

Brian said, “I believe both Hailey and I, when we heard the screaming, we both assumed, you know, they may have gotten into a yellow jacket nest.” “They were frightened, shouting, and the hammering on the door happened so quickly.”

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The Nybergs claim they were amused by Nelson and Arndt’s priorities while escaping danger after viewing the video.


Hailey Nyberg, Hailey Nelson, and Dori Arndt, from left to right (credit: CBS)

“I thought it was amusing that Dori went straight for her water bottle [laughs]!” Nyberg, Hailey, said. “All she could think about was her water bottle!”

Brian remarked, “They both grabbed their phones.” “You can’t leave your phones out there,” says the narrator.

The bear looked to be a youngster, perhaps 1 1/2 years old, and approximately double the size of their 80-pound black Labrador Retriever, according to Brian.

“[The bear] sped up the pace a bit, but as the females stood up, you can see he sorta turned his head and looked at them screaming,” Brian said.

When the bear began heading towards Main Street and County Road 14, he says he became concerned.

“A few occasions… It circled around and returned to our yard, then tried to cross Main Street, which was congested at the time,” he said.

Instead, the bear began making its way across the backyards of the community before vanishing into the woods.


(Photo courtesy of Brian Nyberg)

Bears that stray into residential areas are generally disoriented and looking for food, according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Black bears usually consume berries, but owing to the drought this summer, berries are limited. If you come across a bear, the DNR recommends leaving it alone, giving it room, and allowing it to find its own way out. They also recommend eliminating birdfeeders and garbage from yards, as well as keeping an eye on dogs while they’re outside.

The video has gone viral, with over 30,000 views on WCCO’s Instagram page in only a few hours. Hailey, Hailey, and Dori are overjoyed.

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“The expressions on their faces as they ran were priceless,” Brian added.

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