Resident Evil Village: will you pay full price? (Image: Capcom)

Attendees at Tuesday’s meeting questioned whether the PS5’s early breakthrough could ultimately be detrimental, as one Sony Bend reader laments.

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I don’t know what happened in
, I can imagine the writer of Days Gone regretting his statement by now, but I think it’s worth pointing out that it was an ill-considered comment that assumed people have a moral obligation to buy games at full price to support companies. And this is for a Sony game, not a two-person independent studio!

The only consideration I make when buying a game is the price I can afford it for versus how quickly I want to play it. If it’s a sequel to a movie I liked and the reviews are good, I might buy it at full price. I’ll probably wait a few months to save a dime or two, but there are exceptions (maybe Resident Evil Village, especially since it’s been so long since the big game came out).

If it’s not a favorite, and especially if it’s a brand new IP, I’ll be very careful because I have no idea what I’m going to get. Or, in this case, everything points to Days Gone being just a mediocre application of Sony’s formula and certainly not worth the premium price. For this guy to say that we should give them money before we know whether we like their game or not is just crazy. I don’t know how much money he makes, but it’s not enough for me to spend money on what seems to be the exact opposite.

Scary Cheese
Right now, everything about Resident Evil sounds really good, but I have to agree with GC in his concern about the lack of cheese. This is one of the key ingredients of Resident Evil, and it’s hard to get it right, especially since Capcom doesn’t seem to have thought about it most of the time.

The village has these crazy characters, but apparently they take the story seriously anyway, so I don’t know. It’s not enough for me to buy it, but a 100% serious Resident Evil makes no sense to me. Especially since one of the most interesting things about the old games is that they can be silly and bland and still be very scary. That was one of the magical things about playing a video game.

You can make bad horror movies that are never really scary, but Resi was, and often for a few minutes. But honestly, I’m more worried about the Resident Evil 4 remake. If they try to take this crap seriously, it will be an absolute disaster.
With pride

Track One
So the PlayStation 5 is the fastest selling console in the US? As thoughtless as it sounds, it’s understandable why Sony thinks it’s doing everything right and no one needs to explain. So you can also understand why Microsoft thinks it needs to play by very different rules to get ahead.

It’s ironic, but the success of the PlayStation 5 might just be the worst Sony has seen so far. Now they run the risk of thinking they are in control, and if Microsoft’s plan gets off the ground in a year or two, I think they risk being caught with their pants down.

Can they still triumph and win a generation? Yes, of course. But I don’t think a plan B would hurt at this point, and at least a public sign that they’re going to address things like Game Pass with their own competitors.

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Sick of Resident Evil
After playing the first demo and being impressed, I was looking forward to last weekend’s demo.

Unfortunately, it made me throw up. I haven’t felt as sick as I did on Sunday since I played the Alien trilogy on the PS1. No other game has given me this feeling, although I’ve never tried VR in anything but a phone booth. Does anyone else get seasick from playing games on a flat screen?
is currently playing: Astro and Black Mesa game room.

GC: It’s not as unusual as you might think, although it’s odd that the first demo didn’t affect you in the same way.

Senseless Violence
I’m loving this resurrection beat’em up right now, the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game looks really great, and I’m here for it.

I hope next time they do The Simpsons and X-Men, both of which are, I believe, Konami games. After the disappointment of games like Avengers and Ultimate Marvel Alliance, I feel like these games reflect much more clearly what they’re trying to be: bland, button-based comfort food featuring your favorite characters.

The Simpsons might be difficult because I think, as a reader recently suggested, EA still has a license, but Marvel can give it away to whomever they want. If I were them, I’d sign Dotham right now and let the senseless violence begin!
The iron man.

Conflicting Ideas
interview with the artist who worked on F-Zero GX and says Nintendo needs a great new idea to bring it back, or worse, Miyamoto’s comments about What are you missing that we haven’t done yet… just let it sink in on you as an F-Zero fan. Probably more than any other Nintendo game, we don’t need a big idea, but HD graphics and new tracks, but retain the tight controls and complexity of GX.

These comments don’t make any sense either. Where were the new ideas for the last Donkey Kong Country or New Super Mario Bros games? Not to mention Pokémon has been the same game over and over again since Red and Blue. But these games are usually well received because they are good at what they do. The idea of the snowmobile in the new second screen was even to the detriment of Star Fox Zero, the game probably would have been better and sold better if it had normal controls.

Of course, if F-Zero didn’t get a sequel, it’s because the GX didn’t sell well. I just wish they had said that from the beginning. At least we have Fast Racing Neo/RMX!

Final Designation
So when it comes to the current and newest generation, which one is the Nintendo Switch? It’s last-generation technology, but it’s certainly still an active format that will likely be around for years to come, much longer than the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

And what if the Switch Pro is much more powerful, would that count as Current Gen/different format?

GC: We consider the current conversion to be the last generation, but that doesn’t matter if we don’t know if there will be a next generation.

Plus: Games

It’s too much to ask
, I sympathize with the Bend team at Sony, because it must be frustrating and disappointing to be denied the chance to develop a sequel to a game you’re proud of.

But I think the creative director’s reaction is unfounded. It has to do with his announcement that if you like the game, you should buy it at full price to support it.

If you like the work of the previous developers, I’m all for it. For example, I can imagine that many people will one day buy Supergiant Games’ products because they have a famous hit series. Though I wouldn’t say it makes sense (see Cyberpunk 2077).

In general, I think many people expect to buy the game at full price because they like it. I mean, if you haven’t played the game, you can’t know if you’re going to like it or not, so his argument doesn’t hold water.

Therefore, people read the reviews to see if the game is suitable for them and if it is well made, interesting or worthwhile. If the game is rated mediocre, like Day’s Gone, people will wait for the price to drop before trying it. As frustrating as it is for the developer, that’s just the way the world works.

Now I wonder where someone at Nintendo got the idea for the name Bowser? They just pulled random names out of the phone book? Are we lucky King Coop isn’t named Smith or Mainweather? Brain swamp.

I have to say I find it fascinating how hard Amazon and Google are trying to be a video game company. Even all that money from Microsoft hasn’t guaranteed them anything, but these two, starting from scratch, seem totally clueless. Money for experience, I guess.
The model was .

This week’s
topic was suggested by reader 84Colbat, who asks which single player game did you spend the most time on?

Whether it’s because you’ve played the same game multiple times, reloaded it in a new format when it was re-released, or just played the same saved game for a long time, which single player game have you spent the most time on over the years?

Is it unusual for you to spend so much time on a game, and what do you think should be the minimum amount of time a gamer should spend on a game in relation to its price?

Please send your comments by e-mail to:

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MORE: Upcoming games : Estimated release date for Elder Scrolls 6, positive aspects of Resident Evil 8, and open world ideas for F-Zero.

MORE: The hot topic of the weekend, part 1: What was the last physical game you bought?

MORE: The hot topic of the weekend, part 2: What was the last physical game you bought?

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