
Thursday the 28th. January.

Atascadero fire and rescue departments have responded to more than 65 emergency calls in the last 36 hours since the storm began.

According to the disaster management team, strong winds have blown down trees and power lines, while incessant rains have caused flooding in some areas.

Emergency services are reminding the community that rain continues to fall and asking residents to stay safe and be aware of the many dangers posed by this weather. If you must be on the road during this time, drive carefully.

Photos of the fire brigade and rescue team of Atascadero

The National Weather Precipitation Collections for California are here.

Current road closures are listed here

CHP warns that heavy rain and high winds are causing dangerous road conditions, fallen power lines and trees, and other incidents affecting the roads. Drive carefully.

Paso Robles, N. The river road from Wellson Road to Estrella Road is also closed due to flooding.

At 6:50 a.m., 2.8 inches of rain was reported in Atascadero.

ALERT: A flood warning is still in effect this morning as heavy rains continue to increase along the central coast.

Use caution when driving on local roads; even Highways 1, 46 and 101 can be flooded as rainfall can exceed one inch per hour. Drive carefully.

behaviour in troubled waters

Below are some important points to consider when driving on the high seas:

  • Six inches of water reaches the bottom of most cars, which can lead to loss of control and a stop.
  • A pound of water floats a lot of vehicles.
  • One foot of white water can carry most vehicles, including SUVs and pickup trucks.


Flooding occurs when water covers normally dry land. Floods are very dangerous and can cause injury or death. In case of flooding, the area must be evacuated. Do not walk, swim or drive in areas of high water. Six inches of moving water can blow you away. A moving foot of water can flush your vehicle clean.

During the flood.

  • Evacuate immediately if ordered to do so.
  • Listen to public warning and notification systems and the media for emergency information.
  • Do not walk, swim or drive in areas of high water.
  • Avoid power interruptions.
  • Don’t go around the barriers. Roads and bridges may have been washed away.

Wednesday the 27th. January.

According to city officials, officers generally report trapped members, cables and/or phone lines, which are handled fairly quickly.

At 10 a.m., 1.5 inches of rain was reported in Atascadero.

The CHP reported at 6 a.m. that the Grapevine is closed and traffic is being diverted onto California State Route 46 at U.S. Highway 101 after moderate snow with strong wind gusts was reported at 4:45 a.m.

The SLO County Fire Department reports a fallen tree on Parkhill Road in Santa Margarita, Row Careful.

As early as 8 a.m., 0.9 inches of rain was reported in Atascadero.

After reports of multiple falls, officials recommend leaving the tree, if it does not pose a hazard, in place until the storm passes. Try not to pick up any trash. If the tree is on the road or dangerous, alert the emergency services.

As of 7:15 this morning. North County measured 0.6 inches of precipitation. The seasonal value is 2.08.

At about 4:30 this morning, most PG&E customers in North County were without power for some time as high winds swept through the area and rain continued to fall.

San Luis Obispo County had winds of about 60 mph at 5 this morning. These winds can reach a maximum of 70 mph during the day.

The California Highway Patrol (CHP) has reportedly responded to an accident on northbound Highway 101 in the Santa Margarita area and a fallen tree on Walnut Avenue and Poplar Street in Atascadero.

Flooding has been reported on Route 58 and Parkhill Road in Santa Margarita.

Weather alarm

A strong wind warning is in effect until Thursday the 28th. January, 10 a.m. Southerly winds of 25 to 40 mph, gusts to 65 mph are expected. The strongest on the hills and peaks.

The wind is expected to bring down large objects such as trees and power lines. Power outages are to be expected. Travel will be difficult, especially for expensive vehicles. This includes highways 1 and 101.

The National Weather Service is warning people to stay outside in forests and near trees and branches. If possible, stay on the lower floors of your home during the storm and avoid windows. Be careful when you have to drive.

Southerly winds of 30-40 mph with gusts to 50 mph are expected, and in worse conditions combined seas of 14-18 feet are expected. Very high winds create exceptionally dangerous conditions at sea, causing vessels of all sizes to capsize or sustain damage.

Observation of flash flooding along the central coast of San Luis Obispo county and nearby foothills. Tuesday to Thursday nights. Heavy rainfall, with about 15 cm falling in 3 hours, can cause dangerous flooding on roads and rivers. This watch contains, among other things, the burn scar of Avila. Large debris flows are possible and could impact vulnerable roads and structures, including Highway 101.

Floods and mudslides in and under recently burned areas pose a particular risk. A flood warning means that circumstances may arise which could lead to flooding. Floods are a very dangerous situation. Persons in the surveillance area must remain vigilant and follow the instructions of the emergency services. Avoid hiking and camping in canyons and near waterways for the next few days.


What to do in case of a power failure?

During a power outage, it is recommended that all equipment be turned off to prevent overloading of circuits when power is restored. You can leave a light on to warn you that the power is coming back on. When the power supply is restored, you can switch on the devices one by one.

Where there are floods

Stay away from flooded areas and fallen trees during and after the storm. A live line may be concealed in these areas.

Beware of broken high-voltage cables

If you see a broken power line, assume it is live and stay away. Immediately call 9-1-1 to report the location, then call PG&E at (800)743-5002.

Notification of interruption of operation

Before you call PG&E about the power outage:

  1. Determine if the power is shut off only in your building or in the entire area.
  2. Find out if your neighbors are affected.
  3. If your home has no electricity, check the circuit breakers and fuses to make sure the problem is limited to your home’s electrical system.

To report a malfunction, call (800)743-5002. Telephone lines can become very busy during severe storms.

Refer to the power interruption map for a report on the status of the interruption and an estimate of when power will be restored.


Get ready.

During a severe winter storm underway with several inches of rain. It is essential to stay calm, safe and prepared:

  • Store the radio and battery-powered flashlight in an accessible location. Make sure you have extra batteries.
  • Get your home and grounds ready; clean gutters, maintain trees, inspect and/or repair your roof.
  • Have sandbags ready if your area is prone to flooding.
  • Monitor changing weather conditions using local information sources, the National Weather Service and weather radio.
  • Stay inside and avoid driving as much as possible. If you have to go for a ride, take spares with you and drive carefully.
  • Do not drive or walk in flooded areas or areas where water is flowing rapidly.
  • Bring your pets into the house.
  • Never use gas or propane generators, outdoor cookers, or gas or propane heaters indoors.
  • Watch out for storm damage that can cause damage, such as. B. Broken shaft branches, damaged high voltage cables, etc.

Weather Channel

Power outages

Atascadero Alarm Center, phone (805) 470-3300 or 9-1-1.

Templeton Alarm Center, phone (805) 434-4911 or 9-1-1.

Emergency Services Paso Robles Phone (805)227-7560 or 9-1-1


How do you load…


We’ll get through this together, Atascadero…

frequently asked questions

How much precipitation causes flooding?

Flash floods differ from normal floods in that less than six hours elapse between rainfall and the onset of flooding.

Is it safe to drive during a flashing light warning?

Flood and flash flood warning A warning means that flooding or flash flooding is imminent. If this happens to you while driving, get to higher ground on foot immediately. If there is a warning in your area, do not drive until the warning has passed.

What is the difference between a flood warning and an observation?

Flood alert. A flash flood warning means that flash flooding is possible in the area because conditions are more favorable than normal. A flood warning means that flooding is imminent or occurring; take immediate action to protect life and property …

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