At the address

Editorial Board

Shut up.

Drafting Committee

8. December 2020 18:28 Eastern Time's-Defense-Bill-Kamikaze-Run.5.jpeg

President Donald Trump speaks December 7 in the White House Oval Office.


Patrick Semanskiy/Presse Associée



is to be congratulated on rebuilding the U.S. Army, so it’s a shame his farewell is a veto on the Defense Policy Bill. Mr Trump doesn’t want to get what he wants, but he can hurt his own priorities by shooting from his own side.

This week, Congress passed the National Defence Enabling Act 2021, which lays down the most important military and national security policies. This year’s iteration contains a number of good provisions that reinforce the US policy towards China. One of these is the establishment of the Pacific Deterrence Initiative, which will allocate $2.2 billion to implement the Pacific Deterrence Initiative. In particular, it is necessary to make more military resources available in China’s backyard and to conduct exercises with allies.

The bill also allows programmes to review the obsolescence of nuclear deterrence, a priority area of work. We cannot stress enough the urgent need to modernise our delivery systems and storage facilities for nuclear materials. Civilians and military testified in the Senate in September. They warned that decades of delayed investment in nuclear warheads and the infrastructure surrounding them would have burdened systems well beyond their original lifespan.

The whole bill is not worth going through and President Trump’s right of veto would not be a suicide bomber if it was a large investment in hypersonic missiles or extra ships. But Trump took the protection bill in his crusade against social media companies and said he wouldn’t sign it unless it repealed section 230 of the Decency in Communications Act of 1996.

Article 230 may justify some restrictions, given the extent to which the courts interpret their liability measures as equitable.

Clarence Thomas

had a fight recently. However, its abolition could have serious economic consequences that Congress might later regret, and we should not rush into a purely symbolic debate.

The powers seem to have been accepted by the House before our date and should be accepted by the Senate. The open question, however, is whether the House of Representatives and the Senate can achieve the two-thirds majority needed to lift the veto. Some Republicans are still hesitating with President Trump, and some Democrats may feel they can better pursue their priorities if they resume talks with the new Congress and the new president in January.

A particular mystery is the fact that risk wages and certain other special payments for white-collar workers will expire at the end of the year. According to estimates submitted to us by Parliament’s Committee of Armed Services, the expiry of the deadline in January this year will jeopardise the payment of nearly 250,000 soldiers for dangerous work. The media will inevitably blame the Republicans.

Waiting for the Pentagon to implement projects inevitably leads to delays and inefficiency, which Mr Trump rightly criticises. The risk of failure is now greater in January.

Joe Biden


Nancy Pelosi

will redefine the contours to weaken the nation’s defenses.

The clock of the Potomac: Republicans had to review the procedures for the fifth amendment. January or their Senate majority, as a matter of course. A picture: Jessica McGowan/Getty Pictures

Copyright ©2020 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8

It appeared in the printed edition on the 9th. December 2020.

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