The job: The film made its video-on-demand debut last week. Although in many ways the film resembles the revival of the 1996 cult classic, The Craft, it is in fact a continuation of the story and offers a distorted connection between two films – the cult figure of Fairuza Balk and Nancy Downs. The connection itself may not have come as a big surprise to the audience, but the appearance of the bar in the final moments of the film did. Now The Bulk opens with a look at how this amazing and exciting moment came about.
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Bulk explained that she wasn’t interested in the project at first, at least not before writer Zoe Lister-Jones met her and explained her concept for the film.
Jason Bloom came to see me at the fair. He came up to me, introduced himself and said we really want to do something with The Craft. Do you want in? That’s what I am: Uh, I don’t know. I didn’t know what to say because I didn’t know him and I had so many people to talk to: Then my manager called me and told me that Zoe [Lister-Jones] wanted to meet me, Bulk said. So we met at a restaurant, and we got along really well. Her idea was to make that same idea a reality, but for the modern generation, a reality that empowers women, that supports women, as opposed to women fighting against women. And that I was the main character’s mother. She was still working on where all this was going.
The beam went on, it went through many different incarnations. But I got involved because their motivation was very positive. There are so many films that make women stronger, that fight women and dirt. We’ve had so many, we already know that. The whole movement that is taking place today with regard to women, which discourages them and sets certain limits to what is acceptable and what is not, and insists that these changes in the world be made, should have taken place a long time ago, and it is finally happening now! More and more women are climbing the career ladder and possessing their strength, and this is a positive moment, which is why I wanted to work with her.
For Lister, the Balkan city of Nancy is the only thing that counts when it comes to handicrafts and that is why it was so important to include it in the cultural heritage.
Nancy is everything. It’s a job for me, Lister-Jones said. [Fairuza] created the most complex and incredible character in Nancy Downs, so I was desperate to bring her back to life and see where she is and maybe fix the sequel.
And as far as a possible continuation of the cultural heritage is concerned, Bulk was not entirely against a return like Nancy.
It all depends on the story, whether it’s a challenge or something funny. My only reason was to serve Zoe. She’s very, very smart. She came from a very positive space in what she was trying to achieve and that’s why I was involved in this process. But it will depend on what they write and what they propose, I suppose. That doesn’t sound like Oh, yeah, give me a chance to get angry again! It takes a lot of energy to be a psychopath.
The job: Legacy is currently available in video on demand.
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