Screenshot excluding the malfunction

Ratchet and tinkle: Rift Apart – the best PS5 chart? (photo : Sony)

Those who come on Thursday will be worried about the graphics of Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6, because a reader is disappointed with the Yakuza: Like the dragon.

You can participate in the discussions by e-mail at

I’m looking forward to the release of PlayStation 5, as my pre-order has already been posted, but I’m also looking forward to the 100th anniversary of its release. PS5 shows and try to determine what the most impressive game of PlayStation 5 looks like from a technical point of view. It’s hard to say, because I’m sure a lot of those videos… …are ready, but for me, the main competitors are demon souls and Ratchet and Clank: The tear’s gone.

I would have added Horizon Forbidden West, but I always thought the start of the trailer was a little awkward, and when they announced it would be released on PlayStation 4, it explained it to me in a way.

I think that a lot of these races will only come out at the end of next year, so the fact that the two best races are almost at the beginning is impressive. I have to admit that I’m afraid of the complexity of demonic souls, but I like the idea of all this help in the game, and I like the way it looks. There are only two weeks left!

Game Genius
Why doesn’t it surprise me that Bethesda doesn’t make a brand new engine for Starfield or The Elder Scrolls 6? I haven’t been entirely clear about acquiring Microsoft, but if it can help them make their game meaningful and improve it graphically, then it’s worth it. Although it seems that Microsoft has already convinced itself that Todd Howard is some kind of game genius who could be wrong, it is not the worst thing in the whole company.

I don’t want to make it personal, but it seems to me that he is behind all the stupid solutions in Fallout 76 and the lack of innovation in general. For me, the best things that came out of Bethesda in the last generation all came from other studios, things like Wolfenstein, Doom and Dishonored, which he had little or nothing to do with.

I hope Starfield will be good, because it looks like mine, but I’m already ready for a game with bad graphics full of bugs. After all, this is Bethesda’s way!

I told you, add yakuza: Like the dragon on the list of games that seem to be a bad idea, and then it turns out to be one. I know you said it was a pretty good game, but I don’t understand why we have to go to turn-based battles. It really disgusts me, and I thought everyone agreed that fighting was the best part of the games so far?

It was a bit superficial, but it would certainly have been better to give it a little more depth than to adjust it to make it look like a role-playing game. I like the idea of the plot and the main character very much, but now I think I won’t get it on the first day, but only if it gets cheap, which probably won’t last long.

I know turn-based games have fans, but I always thought they were too slow and too long, and the idea of playing in yakuza cores doesn’t seem right to me, even if it’s just parking or something.

Please send your comments by e-mail to:

Everything but swimming
Recently, I played Super Mario Galaxy and was awarded 120 Stars for the first time (I only got 117 on the Wii version). I really liked it because 3D Mario (among other things) is my favourite game, but the one thing I can never swim well with is the fact that I always have trouble because I can’t get used to swimming both on the surface and underwater.

That’s partly because I can’t do a reverse check. Are there parts of GameCentral games, or don’t your readers want to play their favorite games ;-), or shouldn’t they be your favorite games. I know some people don’t like stealth parts with shoes in games that aren’t based on stealth techniques.
Andrew J.
PS : Vargami: Red Dragon is available today for free on PCs from 16:00 in the Epic Shop.

HONG KONG: Recently, the Switch version also has options to reverse (or not reverse) the game.

RV disaster
On Sunday evening I was driving the X-wing and I was about to shoot down the Stardestroyer when the screens were empty. When I took off the helmet, I saw my cat chewing on the cable that connects the helmet to the processor. Further inspections revealed numerous bite marks along the length of the cable.

Sony has offered £175 for the repairs, which is too much. The local console repair companies stated that they would not try to repair the console because it was difficult to do so and there was a good chance that it would fail again. A national company said it would try to repair for £99 with no fixed cost.

Online research shows that chewing happy pets is a common problem for the PlayStation VR. So I’d like to ask your knowledgeable readers if anyone has ever repaired or replaced the PlayStation VR cable? We would be very grateful for any advice.

I want to take away the main attraction of
with boys and girls by saying that toy shops should be important and that they should be able to continue to trade. Gambling is useful for mental health, reduces (and generates) stress. Games increase mental capabilities and improve visual coordination. It also allows us to stay in touch with real people (sometimes A-hole) who we might not see because they are protected/locked.

Without that, we end up with bad local television, streaming services that are now starting to recycle old movies and TV shows, and YouTube, which can be pretty pathetic unless you develop a new hobby every few days, especially since most content authors are in the same boat as us.

HONG KONG: Why is a toy store considered necessary if the games are easy to download or can be purchased from a retailer who will be happy to make them available to you?

The Interactive Movie
Ghostbusters game is really good if you are a movie lover. I missed it when it came out, but it really reflects the essence of the film. The last boss was very irritable until I went online, and then it was easy with him.

I recommend it to everyone, especially if it’s still shrinking. I was half tempted to get a cartoon version of Wii when I can buy it for a very low price to see how it works with motion control.

Discover all the previous games received here.

Legion of complaintsI’ve seen a lot of people at Watchdogs: The legion has spent the last few days, and I have to say… I’ll add something else. I really liked the last one, and because it was set up in the UK, I thought I should get it, but I regretted it almost immediately. It all seems misplaced, as the CC has said, the people behind it are not British, and nothing seems to be right. From the way she constantly mixes up the looks and sounds of people and their work, to the fact that there are almost no middle-class people in the game.

I remember an interview with GC where the director said that he had been to London a couple of times and the whole game seems to indicate that someone came once or twice for a couple of days and never really understood what was going on.

The story is horrible and is not exactly about politics or anything else. That’s exactly how Ubisoft claims that Far Cry 5 was about Christian sects, but in the end it completely avoided the question. And just like in this game, it doesn’t seem like the Watch Dogs should do this, but why pretend and not go all the way?

The action is great, but the missions bore me quickly (hacking and breaking into the server should make up at least 50% of all missions). All the bad guys in London are stupid too, especially the bad AI magnate, it was just disgusting. It’s a failure for me, and if this was about honesty, I wouldn’t care.

Inbox also
I hate to be such a guy, but Bloody Palace was actually shown in Devil May Cry 2. You’ll obviously miss it, we’re all trying to forget Devil’s Cry 2… ANON.

HONG KONG: Of course some people try harder than others, but we accept your wisdom.

I liked the article on Dungeons and Dragons, GC. You wanted to do more? It looks weird when you try to close.

HONG KONG: Yeah, I guess so. If someone has special wishes or questions about the role play on the table, it helps us plan for the future.

The current theme of this week,
Topic, which arrives this weekend, was suggested by reader Simon, who asked what your favorite console is.

Regardless of when it is released, what is your favorite console (not your personal computer) and why? To what extent is its appeal due to hardware and peripherals, and not just software? What made the console better than the others, what makes it so memorable and what is its impact today?

To what extent does nostalgia affect your choice, and do you think the console and its games are still very popular? What makes a good console and to what extent do you think that current and future formats have learned from the past?

Send your comments by e-mail to

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Inbox updates are published daily in the morning and special Hot Topic inboxes on weekends. The readers’ letters are used according to their own merit and can be edited for length.

You can also provide your own 500-600 word reading function at any time, which, if used, will be displayed in the next available slot at the weekend.

You can also leave your comments below and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

MORE… Games are coming: Next-generation system layout lock, Dirt 5 split screen and next-generation Nintendo Direct system

MORE… Games are coming: The next generation console, ideas from Watch Dogs 4 and sample collections from the British PS5 are introduced.

MORE… Games are coming: PS5 UK makes pre-orders during the lockout period, Cyberpunk 2077 and GTA 5.5 are optimistic.

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