Political marketing veteran

Michael Bassik

left the advertising holding company

MDC Partners Inc.

Brooklyn Magazine redesigned and established a number of other companies, including a fragrance brand and a health data company.

In May, Mr. Bassik entered into a partnership with the former editor of Ad Age magazine, Brian Braiker, to acquire the archives, brand and membership database of Brooklyn Magazine, a quarterly print publication closed about two years ago, for an unknown amount. Mr. Bracker will be co-owner and editor-in-chief.

I have Attention Deficit Disorder and I am inspired by many different ideas, Mr. Bassik said. Given the disruption it has caused this year and its impact on consumer behaviour, this is an ideal time to launch new businesses.

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This week, Mr. Bassik and Mr. Brayker unveiled a new version of the publication, including a website, an electronic newsletter and a podcast with sponsors, including the Simply Salad fast network and the direct hair care brand Jupiter. Early next year, the magazine plans to add a paid subscription option that will eventually offer exclusive content and memorabilia from Brooklyn artists, while maintaining a free version for those who subscribe to the newsletter.

The investment in Brooklyn Magazine comes at a time when people are paying more attention to local businesses and news during a pandemic, Bassik said. The stories that start in Brooklyn are local stories, but they resound all over the world. Brooklyn Magazine has a chance to become a global brand, he said.

Mr. Bassik will continue to work closely with the company on various projects, even after leaving the MDC, where he was recently director of the Media Agency Assembly and co-director of the MDC Data and Media Agency Coordinating Group. He says he is planning a virtual tour for MDC customers at the upcoming all-digital consumer electronics show.

Brad Simms, who together with Mr Bassik headed the media agency and data processing, will continue to fulfil his role. The CBM does not intend to hire an Executive Director for the meeting in the foreseeable future.

Prior to joining the media agency, he was CEO of Yes and the MDC network, home to the Red Scout branded store and Northstar research company.

Mr Bassik has experience in the field of political advertising, including managerial positions in the following areas


The PR agency Burson-Marsteller, now known as BCW, and co-founder of the political advertising company DSPolitical, where he still sits on the board of directors.

In addition to Brooklyn Magazine, the new business units include UNTU, a company that helps advertisers use health information to reach consumers, TrayMates, a line of disposable mats, and Politicize LLC, a network service for people and businesses involved in politics.

But another of his last attempts cannot be far removed from politics or advertising: He founded a Dutch spraying company to sell a product called Jimijams. The company plans to present its first fragrances on Amazon in February.

It’s time to take advantage of the growth of e-commerce, Mr. Bassik said.

Introducing brands on Amazon is an incredible opportunity not only to take advantage of these trends, but also to learn how consumers are changing their behavior, he said.

Write to Alexandre Bruell at

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